2016 Professional training, Rome Rovescio
2017 Fotoeventigroup in Island Canaries (Lanzarote-Gran Canaria)
2018 Bosnia @ToldArt in Tuzla Storie's from the World
2018 Italian National Museum of Trust and Dialogue on the island of Lampedusa, an initiative of the
2018 wall of the Regina Margherita hospital in Trastevere, with the artist My Dog sigh and Togehter
2019 Kodak IT Food Photography in Rome, Italy
2019 / 2020 – IPZS, digital archiving, Rome, Italy.
2021 / 2022 – Camera Operator - Ferrovie dello Stato
2022 - Photographer and Filmmaker - Musei Capitolini
2023 - Consulente Video Maker - Ente Governativo del Microcredito Progetto IKSE - Progetto Europeo
I'm born in Torre Annunziata in the province of Naples in July 1992
I'm adopted from the first days until the last year of 2011 by the province of Rome, when I will begin to frequent different areas of the capital, moving frequently without ever finding a fixed home except in my maternal home.
In adolescence I frequented dynamic and creative environments, participating in various Jam and public events in Rome and Italy. I get my hands dirty right away with colors and varnishes and thanks to studies and constant practice I gradually able to transform my passion into a semi-profession.
I start designing commercial visuals for professionals and corporate realities up to simpler and more practical things, for example manual projects painted with spray brushes and paints applied on shutters and spaces of commercial premises of small and medium local entrepreneurs.
The curiosity and the analytical approach on the surrounding reality lead I to get closer and closer to the world of art, its history and continuous evolution, its social impact.
Over the years I'm connects the subjective graphic image accumulated with my experience to other solid and broader views, finally starting a path of study of photography, mainly with the aim of a social story